Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Catch-up No.4

Fourth Installment 25 Oct. 2009:

It IS important to be reminded that this is temporary. I spoke with my niece last night. She is a very wise, genius-type with both feet planted on earth and an incredible bit of experience. She talked me through a nasty attack and called back today to help me with my confidence and doc issues. The major thing today is we finally moved the computers. THAT, I think, is going to make a BIG difference.

My plan for tomorrow is to call for an appt. with a new doc to go meet her and see if we would be a good "fit." I will also start putting my old office back is a huge mess!

I managed a tiny walk and did some qi gong and that helps. My Rog is worn out beyond belief..if you have any spare energy to send him, it would be appreciated. The move is now in the put-it-all-together and make it all work even better AND install some other all new systems which have learning curves.

Even though my Rog has been exhausted, he did get some major stuff done, today. We started out thinking a narrow table was going to be okay for my computer station in the dining room, across from where he is in the kitchen, but when we tried it, it was obviously not going to work. So, I emptied it, emptied the smaller library table we use for a dining table in the kitchen and put it over in the dining room for my PC. Then I emptied the jewellery table which had stuff piled on it from my desk clean-up a few weeks ago. That is the larger library table and we would move it out to the kitchen for our dining table. Covered, of course, to be careful with it. It has been used that way before. Anyway, it is big and hard to get out of the office. I knew Rog didn't want to do it and he was being very grumbly. BY this point I would normally get mad and frustrated, throw up my hands and say forget it! But, this time I knew we had to get it done, so I stayed calm and called my daughter. She and her husband, with M, came over and moved the big table out to the kitchen and the smaller, narrow table back to the office for a jewellery table.

After a few more bumps with Rog in determining what needed to be done network-wise, etc. he finally moved my main PC, printer, scanner, and cassette dubber to the dining room. We have it all set up and are listening, now, to Celtic Sojourn on WGBH. It feels really good to be sitting out here with Rog, talking with you all, with my houseplants looking over my shoulder.:-) There is still a lot to be done. Tons of stuff to put away or get rid of. I hope having this major shift done will help with the anxiety as I know some of it was coming from looking at all of the stuff I wanted to do on the PC out here and couldn't do until it was moved.

Right now, I am typing this in the dining room, just across from the kitchen where Rog is, while we listen to NPR on the radio and it is really nice to be out here instead of feeling so isolated back in the office. Now it will be strictly for writing, jewellery-making, and meditation.

Thank you, my friends.

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